Conceive it! Believe it! Achieve it!
Sensational one day seminar conducted by Andrew Moy…………………..Every journey begins with a single step and an open mind.
Think…………..If you could have anything you desire what would you want?
All of the above are within the reach of every individual, regardless of circumstances……….sounds bizarre………..well read the autobiography of the most successful individuals on the planet and you will find a very different story to the story you and I were told with regards to education. The vast majority of entrepreneurs had very little education in fact many had no formal education at all. Study the likes of Pablo Picasso; Da Vinci, Motzart, Shakespear; Sir Richard Branson, Sir Alan Sugar; Henry Ford, Marconi, Elvis Presley’ Emerson, Ghandi, Edison, Andrew Carnigie, the list transcends time and is endless and all with little to no formal education yet on the other hand you have educated people doing very well for themselves. So you could rightly draw the conclusion that having all the above is not just about education. It’s about how YOU apply yourself into YOUR life using tried and tested techniques.
Napoleon Hill stated:
“An educated person is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialised knowledge. An educated person is one who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they may acquire anything that they want, or it’s equivalent, without violating the rights of others”
It would be my pleasure to introduce you to these powerful life changing techniques that could help you gain control of YOUR life……………….after all YOU are in charge of YOU no one else can be…………or should be.
During the seminar you will be introduced to:
Understanding how you work.
Goal setting.
Working with Universal Laws.
How the mind works.
Changing your Paradigms.
I look forward to meeting with you at one of our seminar days out.